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Omnichain Contracts
Zeta Swap

Zeta Swap


In this tutorial you will write a contract that allows users to swap native tokens from one connected chain to another through ZetaChain.

High-level overview:

  1. A ZetaSwapV2.sol contract is created and deployed to ZetaChain.
  2. A user wants to swap tMATIC from Polygon Mumbai to gETH on Goerli.
  3. A user transfers a native gas token (in this example, tMATIC) to a specific address (called TSS) on Mumbai. The data value of the token transfer transaction contains the following information:
    1. address of the ZetaSwapV2 contract on Zetachain
    2. recipients address (defaults to the sender's address)
    3. destination token address
    4. minimal output amount (not covered in this tutorial, set to 0)
  4. ZetaChain detects the token transfer transaction and triggers the onCrossChainCall() function of the ZetaSwapV2 contract.
  5. onCrossChainCall() does the following:
    1. calls the UniswapV2 router contract (Uniswap contracts have already been deployed to ZetaChain), specifically swapExactTokensForTokens to swap tMATIC represented on ZetaChain as a ZRC20 for gETH also represented as a ZRC20.
    2. calls ZetaChain's withdraw to withdraw native gas token (gETH) on the destination chain (Goerli).

Set up your environment

git clone

Install dependencies:

cd template
yarn add --dev @uniswap/v2-periphery @uniswap/v2-core

Create the contract

Run the following command to create a new omnichain contract called Swap.

npx hardhat omnichain Swap targetZRC20:address recipient:bytes32 minAmountOut:uint256

Modify the onCrossChainCall function to perform a swap:

import "@zetachain/toolkit/contracts/SwapHelperLib.sol";

contract Swap is zContract {
function onCrossChainCall(
zContext calldata context,
address zrc20,
uint256 amount,
bytes calldata message
) external virtual override {
if (msg.sender != address(systemContract)) {
revert SenderNotSystemContract();
(address targetZRC20, bytes32 recipient, uint256 minAmountOut) = abi
.decode(message, (address, bytes32, uint256));
uint256 outputAmount = SwapHelperLib._doSwap(
SwapHelperLib._doWithdrawal(targetZRC20, outputAmount, recipient);

Modify the Interact Task

import { BigNumber } from "@ethersproject/bignumber";

const main = async (args: any, hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) => {
const targetZRC20 = getAddress("zrc20" as any, args.destination as any);
const minAmountOut = BigNumber.from("0");

const data = prepareData(
["address", "bytes32", "uint256"],
[targetZRC20, args.recipient, minAmountOut]

task("interact", "Interact with the contract", main)
.addParam("contract", "The address of the withdraw contract on ZetaChain")
.addParam("amount", "Amount of tokens to send")

The code generation command automatically created all three parameters for the interact task. Instead of asking the user to provide the targetZRC20 and the minAmountOut parameters, you can define them in the task itself. Use the getAddress to fetch the right ZRC-20 address for the destination chain and add a "destination" parameter. Use a hard-coded value of 0 for the minAmountOut parameter.

Write a test for the contract


Import contracts

The test depends on types from external contracts. Import these contracts to enable Hardhat to compile their types.


Configure the Hardhat environment

Take note that the Uniswap contracts require a specific version of Solidity, which differs from the version used for the remaining contracts. Update the Hardhat configuration to include both versions of Solidity.

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: {
compilers: [
{ version: "0.6.6" /** For uniswap v2 */ },
{ version: "0.8.7" },

Run the test

npx hardhat test
  ZetaSwap tests
Getting uniswapV2Router02 address from mainnet: eth-mainnet.
Getting uniswapV2Factory address from mainnet: eth-mainnet.
Getting weth9 address from mainnet: eth-mainnet.
✔ Should do swap (60ms)

1 passing (9s)

Create an Account and Request Tokens from the Faucet

Before proceeding with the next steps, make sure you have created an account and requested ZETA tokens from the faucet.

Deploying the contract

Clear the cache and artifacts, then compile the contract:

npx hardhat compile --force

Use the deploy task to deploy the contract to ZetaChain:

npx hardhat deploy --network zeta_testnet
🔑 Using account: 0x2cD3D070aE1BD365909dD859d29F387AA96911e1

🚀 Successfully deployed contract on ZetaChain.
📜 Contract address: 0xd6FB957c64f5197C2e630Cb5D995C0845505957C
🌍 Explorer:

Execute a swap

Use the interact task to swap 30 tMATIC from Mumbai for an amount of gETH and withdraw the tokens to Goerli transferring them to a specific recipient address:

npx hardhat interact --contract 0xd6FB957c64f5197C2e630Cb5D995C0845505957C --amount 30 --network mumbai_testnet --destination goerli_testnet --recipient 0x2cD3D070aE1BD365909dD859d29F387AA96911e1
🔑 Using account: 0x2cD3D070aE1BD365909dD859d29F387AA96911e1

🚀 Successfully broadcasted a token transfer transaction on mumbai_testnet network.
📝 Transaction hash: 0x808a9524c5ab6012b24cbf1c8417a6b7c36c407e9d7d22273f2797f81b892afe

Source Code

You can find the source code for the example in this tutorial here: